muzikaal en tekstueel kunstenares | songwriter | producer

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1 month ago

Throwback to probably the most beautiful place I've ever been... - Cadini di Misurina (june 2024) - .I find my mind wandering of and daydreaming about these mountains often... What a gift that I got to see that. That place makes you realize again how small you are. And how big and majestic the Creator of all of that must be. In awe. .#Cadinidimisurina #trecime #dolomitemountains #dolomites #dolomitesitaly #dolomiteswalking #Godscreation #imsoblessed ... Bekijk meerZie minder
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5 months ago

Lago di Braies - Dolomieten 2024 🏔.#lagodibraies #lagodibraiesofficial #lagodibraiesitaly #dolomites #dolomiteswalking #dolomitemountains #dolomitesitaly #vakantie2024 ... Bekijk meerZie minder
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Naast het schrijven en performen van eigen muziek, maakt Jildou ook covers van bestaande nummers. Deze zijn terug te vinden op YouTube.

Besides writing and performing original music, Jildou also creates covers of existing songs. These are posted on YouTube.

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