muzikaal en tekstueel kunstenares | songwriter | producer
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Throwback to probably the most beautiful place I've ever been... - Cadini di Misurina (june 2024) - .I find my mind wandering of and daydreaming about these mountains often... What a gift that I got to see that. That place makes you realize again how small you are. And how big and majestic the Creator of all of that must be. In awe. .#Cadinidimisurina #trecime #dolomitemountains #dolomites #dolomitesitaly #dolomiteswalking #Godscreation #imsoblessed
Lago di Braies - Dolomieten 2024 🏔.#lagodibraies #lagodibraiesofficial #lagodibraiesitaly #dolomites #dolomiteswalking #dolomitemountains #dolomitesitaly #vakantie2024